A contribution to the lichen flora of Turkey is provided. A total of 206 taxa, of which 2 are subspecies and 4 are variety, from 102 different stations in the Turkish provinces of Gümüshane, Erzincan and Bayburt. 8 of which are new records for the lichen flora of Turkey. These are Acarospora nitrophila H. Magn., Immersaria cuproatra (Nyl.) Cabotayud & Rambold., Lecidea berengeriana (Massal.) Nyl., Placodiopsis tenella (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Pleopsidium flavum (Bellardi) Körber., Ramalina arabum (Ach.) Mey. ex Flot., Sarcogyne fallax H. Magn., Teloschistes contortublicatus (Ach.) Clauz. et Rond.